We started our Nebulocska group in September 2016 to be able to welcome the very little ones with their parents or carers. The Ringató-type sessions are held on every Monday during school terms, from 11:00am to 12:00am at North Perth.
What is Nebulocska?
The one hour long sessions are suitable for children between 0-3 years, where we sing Hungarian folksongs, nursery rhymes, getting familiar with rhythm and music.
Group sessions are the place to discuss parenting tips and advices.
Conducted by:
Agnes Farkas
Tel.: 0416869150
Applying: nebulo.perth@gmail.com
Enrolment sheet
Please make payment via bank transfer to HECC bank account:
BSB: 306-044
Bank account: 0469597
Account holder: Hungarian Educational and Cultural Centre (HECC)